Senin, 23 November 2015



( MyPayingAds ) is an online advertising service with programs Sharing Revenue from product Adversiting / Ads with a profit of 5% / day received every hours (MPA is not a program Investing / HYIP / MLM / Matrix / Cycler / Currency Exchange or another feather)
with MPA your income could reach $ 750/ task in MPA just Surfing only 10 ads/day,duration of only 10 seconds / ads



 MPA ( MyPayingAds ) is a Revenue Sharing program or at say Advertising .mpa not sameCommunity program during the time we play in Indonesia. Actually playing in MPA a very simple..Because MPA ( MyPayingAds ) is the International Programme on the means of payment of course use the Dollar with Payment Processor(PP) like : PERFECT MONEY,PAYZA, PAYPALL,DLL

MPA have 3 sources of profit :  
1. AdPack plan that we bought with profit 5%/day 
2. Direct Referral Commission = 12% 
3. Commission PTC of View Ads - Earn Money


1. You sign up and immediately fill your PP account 
2. After you filled PP Bank account last dollar you deposit into account MPA (MY PAYING ADS)  

3. After the dollar was entered MPA your account then please buy AdsPack accordance Plan MPA always starts with plan - 1.  
4. after you buy then you will have AdsPack / Share Active.
5. Click / Surfing 10 ads each lasted only 10 seconds

There are several types of AdPacks in this program :
AdPack-Plan 1: $1 share maturing at $1.20 (24 days mature)
AdPack-Plan 2: $3 share maturing at $3.60 (27 days mature)
AdPack-Plan 3: $5 share maturing at $6.00 (30 days mature)
AdPack-Plan 4: $7 share maturing at $8.40 (35 days mature)
AdPack-Plan 5: $10 share maturing at $12.00 (35 days mature)
AdPack-Plan 6: $15 share maturing at $18.00 (35 days mature)
AdPack-Plan 7: $20 share maturing at $24.00 (42 days mature)
AdPack-Plan 8: $30 share maturing at $36.00 (42 days mature)
AdPack-Plan 9: $40 share maturing at $48.00 (42 days mature)
AdPack-Plan 10:$50 share maturing at $60.00 (42 days mature)
(Mature share currently active status becomes Complete then we have to change their old adspack with new AdsPack plan that has been mature by means of compound)
Always start AdPack Plan 1, after having 100 AdPack new plan-1 can ride AdPack-2 and so on...

-Strategy Profit / earnings are 70% / 30%
it means:
-Profit we receive 5% per day it will go:
70% to Re-Purchase Balance (For buy Adspack / Compound)
30% will go into the Cash Balance (For WD or can buy AdsPack)

-Example : Add Fund $ 100 could reach $ 500 within about 1 month 

6Profit in the second when the post is sufficient to buy new AdPack soon compound (buy AdsPack with your profit) 

7Execute the command 6 until your target is met for instance to have your AdPack total investment of $ 750 and you start WD
point plus MyPayingAds :
- Plan for long term stability! - Compound remarkable system to boost your profits
- Profit every 1 hour! - Total profit 5%/day - Task only see 10 ads/day with a duration of only 10 seconds for the machine to run profit
- Processors: Paypal, Payza, STP and Perfect Money
- Minimum deposit 5$
- Minimum withdraw 5$ maks $750

TOTAL PROFIT YOU CAN BE IN MPA : MPA is the strength of the systemcompound  
EXAMPLE : Your investment with Initial Capital $100 Within 1 month of your profitwill reach $ 500 range where : * 30% Cash Balance to be in WD is $ 7.5/day or $ 52.5/Week that will increase steadily due to Re-Purchase balance will continuecompounding

*Keep in mind the need to achieve a profit of $ 100 to between $ 400- $ 500 in onemonth is :
Do not miss a single day to surf 10 ads 
Note the clock time you've had to surf in the system 
Currently Profit Balance 2 post has been able to make purchases adspackimmediately buyAdPack newbecause the calculation of earnings after 1 hour greatly affects your profit From the example aboveof course you can imagine the amount of income in a week and the next month you can WD will be greater himgga reach  $ 750/day as other members who alreadyfeel 


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If you are interested and want to try something new in the world of OnlineMoney Maker please  

Email :

BBM : 5477D43A

WA/PHONE : 085785143206


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